Recently we took a guided tour to Yosemite by Yosemite Tours out of Oakhurst. If you're wanting to go they are great! This was my first time to Yosemite and I wasn't sure what to expect. It's hard when you're from the Pacific NW, you live with the beauty of nature surrounding you in every direction you take.
Living in the Central California valley it's a stark contrast to Washington state. Yosemite with it's magnificent trees and stately mountains stands out because it is so utterly different from the valley floor. The day we were there they were doing controlled burns, that's why you see the whisps of smoke billowing above the trees. I was sure glad they'd told us about this otherwise it would have been a little scarey thinking there was a fire somewhere close. I had hoped the fall colors would be out, they were just beginning, but all in all it's a majestic place and if you're nearby one you should take the time to visit.
Just click on the preview of her kit to be taken to NDISB where you can purchase this kit.
I used the kit Fixation from Lori Giles to do this page. Lori's a great desinger. She's selling her kits on her blog now. If you haven't checked her stuff out you should. She's very talented and draws a lot of her emblishments free hand. I envy her, I have no talent for that whatsoever so truely admire those that can.