Sunday, January 20, 2008

Two New Heritage Pages

Great Grandparents:
I don't know why but I felt like this Psalm would fit them. In my mind and heart I felt they loved one another very deeply, whether this be fiction or truth I do not know. My Great Grandmother had four children, my Grandfather five. Grandma Eva died in 1905 and Grandpa remarried in 1908 and lived until 1939. Credit - Surrender - Beth Rimmer at Digitals

Mandy -
LOTD Digitals
This is Mandy Debus and her daughter Thelma (the one on the left in the rocking chair). I've always been fascinated by the photo of Mandy with her long hair. It's dated 1908. Mandy married my Great-Grandpa John in 1908 and I think Thelma was born in 1911, the same year Dad was born. Daddy is the one on the right in the chair next to Thelma. Grandma never had too kind of words to say about Mandy. I think though, looking at it from an adult perspective, losing your mother when you are 10, as Grandma had, made it hard for her to accept someone taking her Mother's place. Credit:
Lori Giles - Opera En Duex at Digital Scrapn

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